CBD oil side effects: what side benefits can CBD cause

CBD oil side effects: what side benefits can CBD cause

As with any new product you try, doing your research to find out the good and bad, is essential to maintain your safety. With all the cure-all benefits CBD is thought to have, you may be left wondering, what are the CBD oil side effects? 

This is an important question, as CBD is popular with a diverse segment of users ranging from the very young to the elderly. Which makes it all the more important to know the possible safety implications of taking it. 

Like with any new product you take, your safety comes first, that’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you understand the possible side effects of CBD.

Is CBD oil safe? 

The World health organization (WHO) issued a Critical Review Report on the compound cannabidiol by an Expert Committee on Drug Dependence in June 2018. The report concluded that CBD is well tolerated by humans and has no potential for abuse or dependency. However, CBD does have the potential to cause drug interactions for patients that have existing medical conditions. ‘To date, there is no evidence of recreational use of CBD or any public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.’

Research shows that the cannabidiol (CBD) compound is known to have no dangerous side effects and is generally tolerated in high doses of up to a daily dose of 1,500 mg. However, this evidence only applies to the chemical compound CBD and not specific CBD brands or products. 

Not all CBD products are created equal. The CBD industry still remains unregulated which allows brands to sell CBD products that are mislabeled or manufactured under poor conditions. This leaves the industry at the risk of poor quality CBD products that can cause other additional side effects.  

What are the main side effects of CBD oil

Side effects of CBD oil

These are the side effects of the chemical compound CBD and not the side effects of specific CBD brands or CBD products that have other cofactors. 

  • Drowsiness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Decreased appetite
  • Gastrointestinal problems 
  • Diarrhea 

From the limited studies available, there is no indication that CBD causes any severe side effects, death, or causes any dependency.

Can anyone take CBD?

One of the first publicized cases of the use of CBD was with Charlotte Figi, a 7-year-old girl who used CBD oil to treat a rare form of epilepsy called Davent Syndrome which made CBD mainstream.

Since the exposure of this groundbreaking case in the media, numerous other anecdotal cases from users of all ages have continued to grow the popularity of CBD, with users claiming it to treat an array of ailments. 

Are there Drug interactions when taking CBD?

CBD can cause further side effects if taken with certain medication, it is extremely important that you check with your doctor before taking CBD.

Similar to grapefruit CBD has the ability to interfere with your cytochromes P450 (CYPs), these are enzymes that are used by the body to process your drug metabolism.  

Is CBD FDA approved?

Epidoplex is the only form of CBD that is FDA approved. This CBD based pharmaceutical drug is only available on prescription to treat the rare form of epilepsy. The drug was developed after the case of Charlotte Figi. 

As it stands CBD products are not approved by the FDA. Lack of medical evidence into its effects often draws skepticism for its cure-all claims, CBD heavily relies on anecdotal evidence to support its benefits. 

Brands must take their cues from the FDA in order to stay compliant with their regulations for non-approved products, which means no claims about the benefits of CBD or specific products. 

Because the CBD industry is unregulated. It’s essential that you do your own research to know the best way to choose products that don’t have additional ingredients that could cause other side effects. 

Safety concerns for CBD products

Endoca labs

Not all CBD manufacturers follow safe practices when it comes to CBD products. There aren’t many regulations therefore CBD brands can get away with low standards.

Growing practices

Most CBD products are made from hemp, which is known for its ability to draw toxins from the soil through its roots. If plants aren’t grown in clean organic soil they can contain toxins such as heavy metals or other contaminants that can lead to side effects.

As well as heavy metals hemp can be grown with the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides, which can cause health issues. 

Harvesting and storage 

Once harvested hemp needs to be dried quickly in order to stop it from growing molds or fungi during the storage process. If poorly dried and stored, moist conditions can allow mold spores to form that could make it into your products.  


Solvent-based extraction uses alcohol and chemicals to separate the cannabinoids from the raw plant material. If not done correctly this method leaves behind the solvent. 

The CO2 extraction method is the cleanest and safest way to remove CBD from hemp. It only uses CO2 and is free of chemicals. 

Laboratory conditions

Anyone can make CBD products if they know how to make them. This means not all manufacturing conditions will ensure they are made in a clean and safe environment. 

Laboratory certifications such as good-manufacturing-practice GMP will ensure products are created under pharmaceutical regulations. 

The takeaway 

The side effects of CBD vary from nausea to lightheadedness, none of which are considered life-threatening or serious. If you are thinking of taking CBD to consult your doctor, especially if you are on medication as there can be drug interactions. 

Safety comes first when you are thinking of taking CBD, always do your research to ensure you are buying high-quality products with 3 party testing so you don’t incur any additional side effects from your products.