Terms & conditions

Endoca wants to ensure you are satisfied with your purchases. Endoca takes no responsibility for country-specific legal situations or provides legal advice. Please check the legal status in your country, as we cannot guarantee delivery. Contact your local authority to confirm if we are allowed to ship to your country. For bank wire payments (online), please remember to note your order number or contact person. Delivery time may be extended if we need to match the order with the buyer.

If you wish to return a product, you must do so within 14 days of receiving it. You will receive a refund within 14 days from the date Endoca receives the product. You must send an email to info@endoca.com and receive a confirmation email before returning any products. Products should be sent to the address provided in the confirmation email. Products are expected to be in the same condition as delivered. Please add relevant bank information and account details, and remember to keep your receipt as proof of shipment. Payment and shipping process costs are covered by the customer.

Carefully inspect your delivery upon arrival. If there are errors or defects, please respond within 48 hours after the receipt is issued. We sell products containing cannabidiol. We are committed to following all FDA regulations, and since these products have not yet been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims about additional benefits for products containing cannabidiol. If you have questions about this product, please contact our customer service team before purchase.

1. By confirming an order through our website, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. If we have doubts about your age, we reserve the right to cancel your order.

2. By confirming an order with Endoca, you accept all legal responsibility for the product being sent to you. All products on the website are legally permissible in the Netherlands. It is your responsibility to know the rules applicable in your country.

3. Endoca makes no guarantees that the products available on the website are legal outside the Netherlands.

4.Endoca does not offer any form of medical assistance.

5. You accept responsibility for all damages, fines, reduction in income, or property value resulting from purchasing, consuming, using, or misusing products from Endoca. The company, its owners, representatives, and employees cannot be held liable.

6. If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received, please contact us at info@endoca.com. At Endoca, we work hard to ensure our customers are happy and satisfied with our service. If you are dissatisfied and the issue could not be resolved by our customer service, please submit the case via the ODR platform. The ODR platform, provided by the European Commission, is designed to handle online disputes without the need for court proceedings. The ODR platform is the only place where disputes regarding online sales and service contracts can be resolved. You can access the ODR platform through this link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Your case will then be forwarded to the appropriate case-handling center.


Privacy Policy

Endoca respects your privacy. We handle your personal information with the utmost respect. We are responsible for all personal information you provide to us, such as name, address, and other mandatory information required for registration and transactions at Endoca.

Shipping Policy

The order will be delivered to the delivery address specified by the individual who confirmed the order. If one or more products are out of stock at the time the order is placed, we will not accept the order. You will be informed immediately by email if this occurs. Endoca ships with UPS and postal services. International orders require additional shipping, and all regulations for selling these products in the relevant country must be verified. Endoca can legally ship to all U.S. and EU territories. Currently, many countries permit hemp-based products to be marketed and sold. Please contact local authorities to confirm if we can ship to your country. If you live in Denmark, please contact the Health Authority to obtain a prescription for the products.

For customers in the USA, we ship from California, USA. For the rest of the world, we ship from the EU.

All orders are shipped within 48 hours after the receipt is issued (unless otherwise agreed). Orders are shipped during regular business hours (Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00, excluding holidays). Orders confirmed during special promotions are excluded from this timeline. We do not ship on national holidays. We ship using the standardized U.S. shipping method.

When will you receive your packages?

We take delivery times very seriously. Normally, you will receive your products within 3 to 5 business days, but please be aware that uncontrollable factors may delay your package. If you pay via bank transfer, the funds will only be available in our bank 4 days after the payment is completed. Once the funds are with us, we will send your Endoca products.


We ship worldwide, but some countries have import regulations that may delay the shipment of hemp-based products. We hope the world soon recognizes hemp solutions, but until then, we will inform you immediately if inspection by postal or customs authorities delays your package.