
  • The plant is easy to grow organically without the use of chemicals.
  • There is low risk because the plant is highly pest-resistant.
  • The plant yields high profit per hectare, as the farmer can use the whole plant and its seeds.
  • Since the plant is rich in Omega 3 and has the optimal 1:3 ratio between Omega 3 and 6, it can replace fish oil.
  • A large part of the population believes that cannabis has a calming effect and is therefore very popular for recreational purposes.
  • Many people believe the plant helps them overcome various symptoms.

Products and definitions

Hemp oil is another term for CBD oil, both of which refer to cannabis extract. However, it’s important to note the significant difference between hemp oil and hemp seed oil, which many mistakenly believe to be the same. Hemp seed oil is exclusively extracted from hemp seeds. It is primarily used in cooking and contains no CBD or other forms of cannabinoids.

Medicinal cannabis or medical marijuana refers to the use of cannabis in the treatment of diseases or their symptoms. There is still no common consensus on the definition of medical cannabis. The term is primarily used for plants with high THC content, but after the recent discovery of cannabis plants with many other molecules, it has become more complicated to define what medical cannabis is.

Medical cannabis and medical marijuana are terms frequently used by thousands of medical cannabis dispensaries in the USA, where the plant is legally sold according to state laws. Most of the medical cannabis is sold for everyday use. Only a minority of cannabis products on the market have undergone approval tests, and the tests conducted have shown limited and inconclusive results.

Yes, cannabis or hemp has many slang terms, such as marijuana, pot, weed, grass, ganja, dope, herb, reefer, skunk, and many more.


A synthesis is an enzyme that catalyzes the connection of two molecules.

Det endocannabinoide system er en homeostatisk regulator som holder styr på hjerneaktivitet og næsten alle andre psykologiske systemer i kroppen. Systemet regulerer smerte, inflammation, hukommelse, følelser, søvn og stofskifte.

Det omfatter et netværk af receptorer i hjernen og det centrale- og perifere nervesystem, samt cannabis-lignende forbindelser kaldet endocannabinoider.

Man sammenligner systemet med en lysdæmper, som konstant holder balance i kroppen når der er meget aktivitet eller ikke aktivitet nok.

Plantecannabinoider som CBD eller THC intergerer med det endocannabinoide system, hvilket forskerer mener kan være forklaringen på, at der bliver rapporteret fysiologiske effekter ved brug af cannabisplanten.

Forskerer mener, at når systemet ikke virker optimalt, kan sygdomme forekomme. Dette kaldes endocannabinoidmangel og kan meget vel være roden til tilstande så som migræne, fibromyalgi, irritabelt tarm syndrom (IBS) og sklerose.

The endocannabinoid system is a homeostatic regulator that monitors brain activity and nearly all other physiological systems in the body. The system regulates pain, inflammation, memory, emotions, sleep, and metabolism.

It consists of a network of receptors in the brain and the central and peripheral nervous systems, along with cannabis-like compounds called endocannabinoids.

The system is often compared to a dimmer switch, constantly maintaining balance in the body when there is too much or too little activity.

Plant cannabinoids like CBD or THC interact with the endocannabinoid system, which researchers believe may explain the physiological effects reported from the use of the cannabis plant.

Researchers also suggest that when the system does not function properly, diseases can occur. This is called endocannabinoid deficiency and may be the root cause of conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and multiple sclerosis.

New studies have shown that active compounds from other plant species, such as carrots (Daucus carota), kava (Piper methysticum), New Zealand liverwort (Radula marginata), ginger (Zingiber officinale), and black pepper (Piper nigrum), contain compounds that interact with the endocannabinoid system.

CBDa is the acidic precursor to CBD. This means that when fresh hemp plants are harvested, they will mostly contain CBDa and only a small amount of CBD. It is only through the drying and heating process that CBDa is converted into CBD (Cannabidiol).

THCa is the natural precursor to THC. This means that when fresh hemp plants are harvested, they will mostly contain THCa and only a small amount of THC. It is only through the drying and heating process (decarboxylation) that THCa is converted into THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most commonly found cannabinoid in the hemp plant. THC has a psychoactive effect, which is why plant varieties bred for non-medical use have a significantly higher THC content. However, this should not be understood as THC having no therapeutic effect. It has been found to be an effective way to reduce nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy, and it can also slow the progression of glaucoma and reduce nerve pain.

CBD, chlorophyll, alkanes, nitrogen compounds, amino acids, sugars, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins, and pigments. We have discovered that cannabis or hemp contains over 400 molecules. New research shows that there is a group of molecules that cannabis produces, called cannabinoids. These molecules are primarily responsible for the plant’s effects. There are over 120 cannabinoids, including CBD, THC, CBG, CBC, and CBN. THC is a well-known cannabinoid, whose psychoactive effect is responsible for the high the plant offers. At Endoca, we produce products with a high concentration of the CBD cannabinoid, which does not produce a high.
Does Endoca Hemp Seed Oil contain CBD (Cannabidiol)?
We have done our utmost to find the cannabis and hemp strains that contain the highest amounts of CBD and other cannabinoids, while at the same time without traceable amounts of THC.


All three are actually cannabis plants. Hemp or industrial hemp is often used to describe cannabis plants with very low THC content, specifically under 0.2% THC. Marijuana is generally used for plants with high THC content.

Our ancestors knew very little about THC (especially regarding its psychoactive effects) and therefore referred to all the cannabis they grew as hemp. It is only in the modern world that the definition of hemp means the plant has a low THC content.

When analyzing street-level plants, they contain between 1%-22% THC. Cannabis products can contain up to 98% THC.

Vore forefædre vidste meget lidt om THC (især angående dets psykoaktive effekt) og kaldte derfor alt det cannabis de groede for hamp. Det er først i den moderne verden af definitionen af hamp betyder at planten har et lavt indhold af THC.

Analyserer man de planter der findes på gadeplan, indeholder de et sted mellem 1%-22% THC. Cannabisprodukter kan indeholde op til 98% THC.


There are several scientific experiments that indicate cannabinoids act in the same way as endocannabinoids, which are produced in a healthy human body. The mechanisms have not been fully mapped, and there are no conclusive studies yet that show direct correlations.

Just like pollen from trees, grass, and weeds, cannabis pollen can trigger an allergic reaction in a very small portion of the population. This topic has not been thoroughly researched, but scientific studies suggest that allergic reactions may occur due to cannabis exposure.

Choosing a GMP-certified product minimizes the risk of exposure to allergens. Endoca offers the finest quality cannabis extract on the market, all GMP certified. This means our products do not contain harmful chemicals that could cause an allergic reaction.


Cannabis contains over 400 different molecules: phytocannabinoids, terpenes, chlorophyll, alkanes, nitrogen compounds, amino acids, sugars, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins, pigments, and water.

In rare cases, individuals may experience allergic reactions to natural compounds. For example, terpenes are molecules found in many food and cosmetic products, and they are known to cause allergic reactions in a small portion of the population. However, if you suffer from a rare allergy, it’s likely that you are already aware of it.


Based on available knowledge, we can conclude that allergic symptoms are rarely reported as a negative health effect from using cannabis. More controlled research is needed to determine the mechanisms behind these rare reactions.


Some studies specifically examine the effects of exposure to pollen, cannabis extract, and smoking cannabis, indicating that negative reactions can occur. On the other hand, some studies suggest that cannabis can be used to combat allergies. The evidence is somewhat confusing, but it can be concluded that allergic reactions to cannabis not related to pollen allergies are extremely rare.


When cannabis is smoked, it is heated, and the herb is burned, causing the molecules in cannabis to change. These altered molecules may cause allergic reactions.

Additionally, poor indoor growing conditions, the use of pesticides, improper harvesting, and subsequent treatment of cannabis can cause the herb to become moldy. The toxins from mold can cause allergic reactions, so this is an important factor to consider. Spraying the plant with harmful substances such as synthetic cannabinoids or growth chemicals can lead to allergic reactions or poisoning.


At Endoca, we take testing and safety very seriously. We allocate a significant amount of resources to quality control. We keep our products safe and free of toxins by controlling our production process in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). As a result, we can guarantee that our cannabis products are free from contamination. Our product has been successfully used by over 10,000 people who have greatly benefited from it.


Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) refer to the guidelines required to comply with the agencies that regulate the authorization and licensing of manufacturing and selling food, medical products, and pharmaceuticals. These guidelines establish minimum requirements that manufacturers must meet to ensure product quality and consumer safety.


First, only use GMP-certified products. Second, if you suffer from conditions like MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) or are prone to allergic reactions, always proceed with caution.

A gradual approach can be useful. Start with very small doses and slowly increase the amount. This allows you to monitor your body’s reaction and be proactive in case of a negative response.

Another solution is to use our 98% CBD product, which contains only the cannabinoid CBD and very small levels of terpenes. If you still experience issues, contact our team, and we can provide you with products completely free of terpenes.


THC is the cannabinoid that drug tests aim to detect. These tests look for the metabolic byproducts of THC and typically begin with a simple urine test. The test uses antibodies to detect THC and the metabolites it produces. There is no CBD drug test, as CBD is not considered a drug.

There are no scientific studies that show side effects from using CBD in combination with other medications. However, it is always a good idea to consult a professional doctor if you are making changes to your diet.

Applications and benefits

We cannot make any medical claims regarding CBD / Hemp oil.

We recommend that you consult with your doctor and explore the options yourself.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Historically, cannabis has been renowned for its healing properties and use in medicine. In recent times, several clinical trials have examined the plant’s healing effects, and new trials are constantly being initiated. Millions of people are already using the product and claim that it helps them in one way or another. There are already cannabis-based medicines on the market that have undergone the required clinical trials to be approved for sale. However, it should be noted that the trials conducted so far have been small and without conclusive results.

The public scientific consensus is that there is still no concrete evidence that cannabis has positive effects on the body. A long-term study is required before we can answer why cannabis helps humans.

As it stands, the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant are very similar to the endocannabinoids that the human body produces. Therefore, there is great potential for cannabinoids to help the body maintain balance. However, before anything can be confirmed in the public debate, it is necessary to test larger, randomly selected trial groups using double-blind, placebo-controlled studies to prove that cannabis has positive effects on the body.

Orders and Delivery

At Endoca, we make it easy and straightforward to pay. All payments are processed online through our payment provider, which ensures top-notch security.

Endoca accepts both MasterCard and Visa.
When you are ready to pay, simply enter your card number, expiration date, and security code (CVC) on our provider’s payment page. We receive your payment immediately and will then proceed to prepare your order.

If you cannot pay with MasterCard or Visa, please feel free to contact us! We will create a personalized payment link for you, so you can send your money safely and directly to us. You also have the option to pay via bank transfer (online). Once you complete your order, you will receive our bank details to finalize your payment.

Note: If the payment does not go through, remember to contact your bank and check if your credit card is approved for international purchases, and then try again.

Always remember to mention your order #ID.

We deliver worldwide, but in some countries, import regulations may delay the transport of hemp-based products. We hope that the rest of the world will soon recognize the potential solutions that hemp offers. Until then, we will ensure to inform you immediately if we hear about any delays regarding your mail from customs and postal services.

Delivery to Greece takes about ten days before the product is in your hands. With express delivery, this time can be shortened to two days.

For Norway, Australia, Canada, Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand, Thailand, and Russia—if you need deliveries to any of these countries, please be aware that there may be an additional delivery time of 3-4 weeks due to heightened security measures at the borders.

The funds are only available in our bank approximately four days after the transfer is completed on the customer’s side. As soon as we receive the money, the shipment of your Endoca products will begin.

We make it a priority to keep the delivery time as low as possible.

Typically, you will receive your Endoca products within three to five business days. Please read our terms and conditions, as some countries have specific regulations regarding delivery. It should be noted that your shipment may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. In such cases, we will ensure that you are informed as soon as we are aware.