What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?
As a CBD customer, it can be difficult to understand the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil. For example, hemp oil is CBD oil, but CBD oil is not always hemp oil. Confusing, right? When buying CBD, getting a grasp on the terminology can feel like navigating a minefield, but once you get used to it, you’ll quickly be able to shop with ease.
In this article, you will learn:
- What is CBD oil?
- What is hemp oil?
- How to distinguish between them?
The most important thing to know when choosing a product is that the terms CBD oil and hemp oil can sometimes be used interchangeably. We will explain this in more detail later, but if you learn what to look for, you will never be in doubt when deciding which product is right for you.
The Difference Between The Two
The abbreviation CBD stands for cannabidiol, a plant compound found in the cannabis plant.
Cannabis is rich in over 80 plant compounds called cannabinoids, which are believed to be beneficial because of how they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system.
CBD oils are made by extracting the cannabinoid CBD from raw cannabis plant material. The hemp variety of cannabis is often used to create CBD oils because of its low THC content (0.2%) and high cannabidiol content. The CBD is extracted from the plant’s leaves, flowers, and stems.
The confusion often arises here, as the compound cannabidiol can also be extracted from high-THC strains of cannabis—called marijuana. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive compound in cannabis that causes a “high” and is widely prohibited.
As a consumer, it is important to know where your product comes from. THC is a controlled substance in most parts of the world and can cause legal problems for you.
How Do You Know if It’s CBD Oil?
Definition of CBD oil: An oily substance containing the molecule CBD. Extracted from the hemp plant or high-THC strains of cannabis. Oils are often extracted from hemp due to the low THC content and do not produce a high.
What is it made of?
- Hemp or cannabis extracts, which contain plant components, other cannabinoids, plant wax, flavonoids, and terpenes.
- Isolate: A crystalline powder, also extracted from cannabis or hemp, where CBD is separated from all other cannabinoids and plant material.
Hemp plants contain large amounts of CBD and are commonly used to create oils. This can be done using various methods, including solvent washing with alcohol to remove cannabinoids or CO2 extraction, which uses only air.
To add yet another confusing factor, the term “hemp oil,” although less commonly, can also be used to describe hemp seed oil (another oil made from hemp but only extracted from the seeds and containing no CBD).
While hemp seed oil is technically also hemp oil since it comes from the same plant, it does not have the same properties as other types of hemp oil or CBD oil.
Through cold pressing, hemp seeds are crushed and filtered to create a light golden oil with a mild nutty flavor. It is often used in cooking as a dietary supplement and is known for its high omega and vitamin content.
How Do You Know if It’s Hemp Oil?
Definition of hemp oil: An oil extracted from the hemp plant. Extracted from the stems, leaves, or flowers and contains CBD.
What is it made of?
- Hemp extracts, which contain the plant’s components, other cannabinoids, plant wax, flavonoids, and terpenes.
- CBD Isolate: A crystalline powder, also extracted from hemp, where CBD is separated from all other cannabinoids and plant material.
How to Distinguish Between Them?
When looking for CBD oil or hemp oil, it is important to check the ingredients. CBD oil extracted from hemp should be listed in the ingredients. As an informed shopper, you should know where your CBD comes from. Hemp ensures it has a low THC content. If you live in a state or country that has legalized cannabis, you may find oils extracted from high-THC strains.
Either way, if you are unsure where your oil comes from, you should always choose brands that clearly label where it was extracted from. Taking high-THC CBD oil is illegal if you live somewhere where cannabis is not legal.
On the other hand, if you specifically want your CBD to come from hemp, always read the ingredients to find out if it is actually hemp-derived CBD oil and not hemp seed oil.
Hemp seed oil contains no CBD and is only made from the seeds. If you find hemp oil that is particularly cheap, always check the ingredients to make sure it hasn’t been mislabeled.