CBD for sleep

CBD for sleep

CBD has become popular in recent years for its variety of health benefits and for its versatile uses. It has been shown to help with relaxation and reducing stress. CBD also works a way to enhance and support well-being on a daily basis. It can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle and as a way to wind down after a long day. Let’s take a look at how CBD affects the body and how it can be beneficial for your sleep.

Does CBD Help with Sleep

In order to understand how CBD can enhance your sleep, it is useful to know a bit about cannabinoids (like CBD) and how they work. It is known based on research that CBD and cannabinoids interact with the cells in the brain and proteins in the body. Molecules like CBD affect the endocannabinoid system. This system plays a role in maintaining body functions and helping with homeostasis. It helps regulate functions like sleep, appetite, and mood as well as regulating circadian rhythms.

There are many different cannabinoids, you may have heard of a few like CBD and THC. It is good to note that CBD is different compared to THC. It does not cause psychoactive effects like a “high”.

The endocannabinoid system is made up of a network of cannabinoid receptors around the brain and also in the central nervous system. CB1 and CB2 are the two main receptors identified. When cannabinoids attach to these receptors they can affect the sleep/ wake cycle.

Let’s take a look at some of the research around this topic.

infographic on the benefits of CBD massage

CBD to Sleep

CBD and research around it is a fairly new and up-and-coming field. However, there are already some studies that support the idea that cannabinoids may help improve sleep.

In one study published in the Permanente Journal CBD in capsule form was tested to see if it would help with anxiety and poor sleep. 72 adults with anxiety and poor sleep were given 25 mg of CBD in capsule form. They also filled out anxiety and sleep assessments at the start of the study and at the first month into taking the CBD capsules. After just the first month their anxiety scores decreased in 79% of the people. The sleep scores also improved in 66% of the participants.

There have been several other studies done like this one, and this one which shows evidence that CBD and cannabinoids can help with improving sleep. However, more research needs to be done to have definitive results.

CBD and Sleep

After getting more of an understanding of how the endocannabinoid system works and some of the research on CBD you may be wanting to try some yourself. Or perhaps you already have tried it but want to make it more of a consistent part of your routine.

CBD is derived from the cannabis plant and this extraction is referred to as CBD oil. It can be extracted from either the marijuana or hemp plant which are different strains of the Cannabis sativa plant. Depending on how they are harvested the content of THC varies. Because of this, there can sometimes be restrictions depending on where you live.

However, if you are looking for CBD products there are a few different options:

  • Tinctures: CBD can come in tincture form. If you decide to go this route then you can just add a few drops of liquid to your drinks. You can also put the drops under your tongue.
  • Capsules: This is a popular way to take CBD if you don’t want the earthy taste. It is also super easy to take this way so you can be consistent with having it as part of your routine. Check out some CBD capsules here.
  • Edibles: As CBD becomes more popular there are endless treats infused with CBD oil. You can find gummy bears, cakes, beverages, etc. all with CBD. This is a tasty and easy way to add more CBD into your life.

Improving your Sleep

When it comes to improving your sleep there are a variety of factors that can be affecting why you are unable to sleep. Understanding what is happening in your body and why you can not fall or stay asleep is crucial for getting to the root of the issue. Sleep is an important element when it comes to maintaining optimal health and should be taken seriously.

Insomnia is quite common and if you are having difficulty sleeping, staying asleep, or generally experience poor sleep quality it’s good to speak with your doctor or trusted healthcare provider. Working with an expert and getting the support you need is a good idea.

Check out some CBD products here if you’re looking to support your sleep.