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A life in balance
The Keys to Restoring Inner Balance: Sleep, Eat, Relax, and Let Go
- You need daily meditation, yoga, or another form of exercise that stretches your muscles.
- It’s essential to detox your body to eliminate toxic chemicals.
- Eat only organic food, with at least 50% raw food in your diet.
- Stop using chemicals, cosmetics, and pills.
- Avoid eating processed foods.
- Make sure you’re getting your daily vitamins and minerals.
- Eat hemp: cannabinoids stimulate your endocannabinoid system, helping you achieve balance.
- Never let your beliefs and thoughts be controlled by the media.
- Do your own research! Remember, you must make significant changes in your life if you want to heal yourself. If you’re burdened by serious health problems, change your environment immediately. Move to a stress-free place with sunshine and access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
- And most importantly: Sleep, eat, and relax!

You Are What You Eat
A slogan that is close to the truth. The food you buy in supermarkets is often highly toxic because you’re not getting what the packaging claims. To give a few examples: the olive oil you’re buying is most likely soybean oil with added fragrance, even though the label states ‘extra virgin olive oil’! The salmon you purchase in stores is one of the most toxic products on the shelves, packed with chemicals and directly linked to numerous diseases.
The problem is that people assume the government regulates these products properly, but the reality is different. Companies find creative ways to bypass fair-trade regulations, so always be critical of your sources and support local producers where you know where the food comes from—it’s better for both the environment and your health.
What is Good Health?
Long before Endoca started selling CBD products, we knew that good health doesn’t come solely from eating well and consuming cannabis.
Despite massive advancements in medical science, we, as a society, are becoming increasingly ill. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer cases have increased by 70% over the past two decades.
Yet only a fraction of us stop to consider how we live, realizing that we are slowly (but surely) harming ourselves through what we eat and the chemicals we put into our bodies.

Nature knows
It is more important than ever to make positive lifestyle changes. At Endoca, we believe that by learning from the past—before humanity began using preservatives, GMOs, pesticides, and other similar substances—we can lead healthier, more sustainable lives.
As a species, we have drifted further and further away from nature's essence, and in doing so, we have distanced ourselves from our true selves. Only by returning to our roots can our health truly flourish.
More tips for a life in balance
Since ancient times, humans have known that what we eat is the key to our health. So it’s no surprise that with all the sugar-filled and processed foods we consume, chronic diseases and cancer are at an all-time high.
Even eating five fresh fruits or vegetables a day isn’t beneficial if they’re coated in harmful pesticides and herbicides. In fact, modern farming methods have reduced the nutrient content of fruits and vegetables compared to what they once provided.
Buy biodynamic or organic whenever you can, and choose local and seasonal products. If your sugar snap peas just flew in from China (or another distant country), you don’t know what chemicals might be on them, but you can be sure they’ve left a large carbon footprint on their journey to your plate.
Make sure to obtain all the necessary nutrients through your food. We recommend a plant-based diet, but if you consume meat, ensure it’s grass-fed and organic, and that fish is free from mercury contamination.
Raw food should make up a significant portion of your daily diet. The more you cook your ingredients, the more nutrients you lose. So, be sure to include raw food in every meal.
It’s becoming harder to get enough of certain vitamins and minerals through food alone. That’s why we recommend a daily dose of 500mg of Vitamin C to boost your health and immune system.
To start your day in the best way possible, drink a glass of pure water before eating. Unfortunately, tap water is often filled with chemicals like fluoride and chlorine, so investing in a high-quality water filter is a wise choice.
Love Nature and Your Family
As the world becomes increasingly industrialized, the number of city dwellers continues to rise. At Endoca, we believe that city life can compromise your health. Therefore, we recommend moving to the countryside or closer to nature. If this isn’t an option, you should spend as much time as possible outdoors. Nothing compares to the feeling of breathing fresh, unpolluted air while listening to the sounds of nature all around you. You can learn a lot by simply observing wildlife in its natural habitat.
Humans are social creatures, and studies show that isolation and loneliness contribute to the development of many different illnesses. Whenever possible, spend time with your family and close friends.

Go Chemical-Free
Life in modern society presents so many challenges that it’s nearly impossible to control them all. However, we can make an effort to minimize the chemicals we consume.
The obvious culprits are sugar, alcohol, and cigarettes, which we all know we should eliminate entirely. But also be mindful of chemicals in other everyday items, such as fluoride in toothpaste, aluminum in deodorants, and petroleum in lip gloss. In fact, you should review all the beauty products you use and ensure they are 100% natural and chemical-free. Pay attention to harsh household chemicals as well, like laundry detergent or dish soap. If it can easily remove bacteria, imagine what it’s doing to us and the environment.
Think Holistically
In the end, the most natural choice is also the best path to good health. Pure and simple decisions that bring us closer to nature also bring us closer to the essence of our humanity: the natural world.
As our way of life has become more complicated, we have also become less healthy. At Endoca, we believe that more and more people are waking up to the simple truths about healthy lifestyle choices, and we hope you will join us in making those healthy choices.

Relax and De-stress
Just like our diet, stress is a major contributor to harming our health. The elevated stress levels in modern society may seem normal to many, but this stress is making us ill.
Studies show that stress weakens the immune system, raises blood pressure, and affects our mental health. However, there are simple ways to reduce stress levels.
Regular exercise is key to good health. By nature, humans are designed to be active, which is why it’s essential to incorporate physical activity into our lives. Without it, we risk becoming overweight and depressed.
All our physiological systems benefit from regular exercise. It not only strengthens the body but also boosts the immune system. In fact, it’s proven that exercise improves mood more effectively than antidepressants.
Exercise has also been shown to improve memory, as regular physical activity promotes growth in the brain, specifically in the hippocampus. Try incorporating 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily, using 70% of your strength, and see if it makes a difference in your health, mood, and memory.
Yoga and Meditation
The focus of our thoughts can be a major contributor to stress. If we constantly worry about the future or dwell on the past, we miss out on everything happening in the present.
Meditation is widely known for its stress-reducing and emotional benefits. We recommend meditating three times a day. Find a quiet place, sit down, and focus solely on your breath. Start with five minutes and gradually increase the time.
Yoga, which means a union between body and mind, is also a fantastic way to reduce stress while simultaneously improving your body’s flexibility and strength.