Understanding the Differences Between CBD and THC

Understanding the effects of CBD is confusing when THC is sometimes mentioned too. Do they come from the same plant? Do they both make you ‘high’? How are they different, and how does a game of CBD vs THC play out? In order to help you, we’ve put together an informative guide on how to explain their differences.


As explained by our CEO Henry Vincenty

The different effects of CBD and THC

What is CBD 

CBD stands for Cannabidiol
It’s a cannabinoid – a natural compound – that’s found in cannabis plants (also known as Cannabis sativa). It is not considered a controlled substance and is 100% non-psychoactive, which means it doesn’t make you feel “high”.

What is THC

THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol
Is also a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants (there are over 100 different cannabinoids in total). THC is the compound that’s responsible for causing the marijuana ‘high’. Because it’s considered a controlled substance, it is often deemed illegal.


Does CBD have THC in it?

CBD does not have any THC in it as they are two different compounds.

However, it’s important to know that CBD hemp products often have a very small percentage (0.2%) of THC, due to both compounds being in the cannabis plant when the CBD product is made – be it tinctures, oils, edibles, etc.

The main differences lie in how differently they react and affect the body. When introduced to your system CBD and THC both interact and have an effect on the endocannabinoid system.


Is CBD psychoactive?

The cannabidiol compound isn’t psychoactive, its chemical structure doesn’t allow it to bind to your body’s cannabinoid receptors. CBD and THC may look very similar in chemical structure but this subtle change lowers CBD’s binding affinity and causes it to have mild stimulating effects and helps your receptors to create more endocannabinoids, while THC alters the function of cannabinoid receptors by binding to them.

The main difference between CBD and THC is the effects they have on you.
Put simply, THC gets you ‘high’ while CBD won’t.

This is because CBD does not bind effectively to our endocannabinoid system – the body’s unique system that regulates elements such as sleep, appetite, and our immune system. It’s this binding action that gives you that ‘high’ feeling.

THC initiates a psychological response via the endocannabinoid system’s cannabinoid 1 receptors (CB1), found primarily in the central nervous system and the brain. When the CB1 receptor is activated, it produces a psychoactive effect.

CBD doesn’t bind with the CB1 receptors and so has no effect on your perception or sensorial experiences. In fact, research has suggested that when CBD is taken with THC, it can lessen the psychotropic effects of THC by suppressing the CB1-activating qualities and so protecting the consumer from getting too high.


Their atomic arrangement is different

Without getting too scientific, CBD and THC may share the same chemical composition, but their atomic arrangements are different.


Both of them are considered cyclic compounds, which means one or more of the atoms in the compounds connect to form a ring. CBD has an open ring, while THC has a closed ring.


Why does this matter? It’s this arrangement that means they interact differently with the endocannabinoid system’s receptors.

CBD is abundant in hemp, THC dominates other forms of cannabis

While THC and CBD are both found in cannabis plants, THC is most plentiful in other forms of cannabis while CBD is found in higher quantities in hemp.

Hemp is dominated by CBD. In order for a cannabis plant to be classified as ‘hemp’, its THC content is to be no more than 0.2%.

When other types of cannabis are grown, the THC content tends to be maximized to produce more powerful intoxicating effects.


What is cannabis?

Can you smoke CBD oil?

While cannabis is often synonymous with smoking, smoking CBD oil is not advisable. There are other forms of CBD available that are more suitable for smoking, this includes CBD crystals (CBD isolate), hemp flowers, and CBD e-liquid. Handheld and tabletop vaporizers or e-cigarettes are popular for smokers that want an alternative to the traditional rolling papers and natural flowers.



Most CBD oils are made with carrier oils such as hemp seed oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. As with any oil-based product, when heated at high temperatures it can be dangerous, causing smoke, damage to the integrity of the cannabinoid, or cause injury to your lungs if inhaled. Smoking CBD can be achieved through none oil-based products.



The inhalation method has a high bioavailability and is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream through the lungs. Smoking CBD gives fast results, However, this method does have the risk of inhaling toxic chemicals if you use low-quality e-liquid or Isolate products. CBD Isolates and e-liquids must be high quality and pure to make sure they aren’t mixed with dangerous chemicals that could do damage to your lungs or harm your health. Always do your own research before smoking CBD.
While cannabis is often synonymous with smoking, smoking CBD oil is not advisable. There are other forms of CBD available that are more suitable for smoking, this includes CBD crystals (CBD isolate), hemp flowers, and CBD e-liquid. Handheld and tabletop vaporizers or e-cigarettes are popular for smokers that want an alternative to the traditional rolling papers and natural flowers.



In a 1998 study by Professors Raphael Mechoulam and Shimon Ben-Shabat, it was discovered that cannabinoid activity is increased when there is a broad spectrum of cannabinoid present at one time.

This effect is called the ‘entourage effect’ which sees cannabinoids work in synergy with each other to enhance their effects. Full-spectrum and broad-spectrum formulas contain more than just CBD and are thought to be more effective than when CBD is used by itself.



Medical studies into the effects of CBD show it has the ability to lessen the psychoactive effects of THC, it is thought that the ‘entourage effect’ – when there’s more than one compound present at a time, helps regulate the effect of each cannabinoid, causing a balancing effect in the plant. CBD works in partnership with other cannabinoids to regulate the effects of THC.



Marijuana contains high amounts of THC (of up to 30%) and low amounts of CBD. The composition of each type of cannabis plant has different levels of cannabinoids, which gives each species varying effects. No one cannabis species has just one type of cannabinoid. There are over 100 different variations found in the plant, which includes CBD, CBC, CBN, CBG, and many more.


CBD can possibly reduce anxiety, THC may worsen it

We are avid believers in the wonderful benefits of CBD oil. And medical studies have suggested that CBD can help with social anxiety and panic attacks.

THC, on the other hand, can in fact worsen anxiety and increase paranoia in some people, as suggested by other medical studies. However, some studies have suggested that when THC is combined with CBD, the negative effects are lessened.

How CBD and THC interact with the body

THC initiates a psychological response via the endocannabinoid system’s cannabinoid 1 receptors (CBD1), found primarily in the central nervous system and the brain. When the CB1 receptor is activated, it produces a psychoactive effect.


CBD doesn’t bind with the CB1 receptors and so has no effect on your perception or sensorial experiences. In fact, research has suggested that when CBD is taken with THC, it can lessen the psychotropic effects of THC by suppressing the CB1-activating qualities and so protecting the consumer from getting too high.


What are the different CBD and THC products available

High THC + low CBD (e.g. 10-30% THC + trace amounts of CBD):
This will provide that euphoric, ‘high’ feeling.

Balanced CBD/THC (e.g. 5-15% THC and CBD):
This will be a little more euphoric than CBD -strong strains, but it is less likely to induce THC’s negative side effects in the consumer such as paranoia and anxiety.

High CBD + low THC (e.g. 5-20% CBD + THC under 5%):
This will not get you high and can, in fact, provide some wonderful benefits.

See our selection of products here